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AI is taking over more tasks every day. It’s efficient and fast, but there’s no need to panic about job security just yet. The secret? Embracing our uniquely human traits. 

Human skills like creativity, curiosity, consciousness, and collaboration are our superpowers. They are what set us apart from machines and make us irreplaceable. By focusing on these traits, we can future-proof our careers and thrive alongside AI.

This blog, inspired by Greg Orme’s book “The Human Edge,” will guide you through practical strategies to enhance your curiosity and other human skills. Discover how to leverage these superpowers to stay ahead in the evolving workplace.


Three Key Insights About The Human Egde

AI Can’t Replicate Human Creativity

AI is great at crunching numbers and handling routine tasks, but it falls short on creativity. Humans can think outside the box, generate novel ideas, and make connections that AI simply can’t. This creative edge is vital for innovation and problem-solving, making it an indispensable skill in any industry.

Curiosity Drives Continuous Learning and Adaptability

Curiosity is what keeps us learning, adapting, and staying ahead. By constantly asking questions and exploring new ideas, we stay relevant and uncover opportunities AI might miss. This continuous learning mindset helps us tackle new challenges and embrace change, ensuring we thrive in a continuously evolving landscape.

 Consciousness and Ethical Judgement Are Human Strengths

AI follows code and data but can’t understand context, ethics, or feelings. Humans have consciousness, which means we can make ethical choices and see the bigger picture. This makes us essential for handling complex social and moral issues that AI just can’t deal with.


Three Practical Steps to Develop Your Team’s Human Edge

Create a Culture of Curiosity and Continuous Learning

Curiosity sparks innovation and keeps us adaptable. Get your team to ask questions, dive into new topics, and seek out different viewpoints. Set up regular learning sessions where folks can share insights from books, podcasts, or courses they’ve found interesting. Make sure that being curious and always learning is not just okay but celebrated.

Provide a Safe Space for Creativity and Experimentation

Creativity flourishes in environments where people feel safe to express unconventional ideas without fear of criticism. Nurture this by holding regular brainstorming sessions and allowing team members to explore and experiment with new ideas. Encourage a growth mindset by treating failures as learning opportunities. Implement practices like hackathons or innovation labs where employees can work on creative projects outside of their usual responsibilities.

Build and Strengthen Collaborative Networks

Collaboration encourages innovation by bringing in diverse skills and viewpoints. Encourage your team to make connections both inside and outside the organisation. Promote cross-functional projects and create chances for team members to network with professionals from other fields. Run workshops and team-building activities that highlight the importance of working together toward shared goals.



Words of advice from those who have lived it

“I’m a firm believer that every human being is innately creative.” – Greg Orme.

“Since we made a conscious effort to create a culture of creativity, our team
meetings are buzzing with new ideas. It’s really transformed the way we work as a team, with people who might have previously been silent now contributing great ideas in team meetings.” – Alex Johnson, Founder


In an AI-driven world, your human edge is your greatest asset. Embrace creativity, curiosity, consciousness, and collaboration to stay ahead. These human qualities are essential to navigating the evolving workplace and unlocking AI’s full potential.

This blog was inspired by Greg Orme’s book ‘The Human Edge.’ For more nuggets of insight and action on how to tap into the Human Edge, check out this clip from Greg.

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